XML Sitemap Generator

Search Engine Optimization

XML Sitemap Generator

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About XML Sitemap Generator

What is an XML sitemap generator?


XML Sitemap Generator is used to submit your website to Google and Bing. By using this XML sitemap generator, you can make your website get recognised in google and Bing very easily. The benefit of an XML sitemap is two-fold, the first one is that it helps brand new deadbeat affiliate sites get indexed quicker so if you have a brand new website it doesn’t even have to be an affiliate site let’s consider any kind of WordPress site the club blog, business blog or whatever it is, this will notify google that you have a brand new website. The second best of this is that’s going to help all your pages, all your category, your tags, your posts all of that get picked up and indexed as well or I still have to worry about pieces of content getting lost out there on the internet at times.

XML sitemap is use to rank website in google search engine also.


Using Methods


For submitting the site to Google first log in to your WordPress dashboard, once you are logged in hit plugins and then from there go to add the plugin and then in the search box type in Google XML sitemaps then once you locate the plugin you are going to click install and activate and then from there you're going to click the setting links on the plugin page. Now in this page, the default configurations are good but you want to change a couple of things based on of the recommendations so on the sitemap content section includes categories and tags and underneath that, you're going to want to update the option to have your post crawled more frequently so update that to once a week.

Then click on to save and update button, then at the top of the page hit your sitemap link which is going to notify Bing and google of your website sitemap. Now, Google is going to send out its crawlers and it’s going to cover your website for all your pages and your post. Thus, using XML sitemap is as simple as that.