Server Status Checker

Search Engine Optimization

Server Status Checker

Enter up to 100 URLs (Each URL must be on separate line)

About Server Status Checker

What is server status checker?

The Server Status Checker from
is a tool that takes up beef contribution of up to 100 URLs. You can utilize it to check your server status reaction the second your server is down. This is a helpful tool for when you need to gather information on a moderate server. The server has an extremely enormous reaction time; this should stress you since it will influence guests just as web indexes. Pages load at an agonizingly slow clip, provoking clients to close the page. This expands the Bounce rate on your site!

Things to be noted before:

Looking at the server status is important to interface with any site and you need to know whether the server down. You should have a moderate server status; you should contact the server supplier to recognize what's going on. Website admins that share a facilitating server supplier will in general experience similar issues on the status of their servers. One is encountering delays; the equivalent is most likely happening to the next. You can likewise check your website for Server Status Checker. This easy to use tool just expects you to give a URL or connection to a specific site on a gave box and it will check if site's server is down or not. It additionally checks its HTTP code, some of which can determine the status of a site.

You should have own a site or happen to be a SEO master, you should be up to speed with the server status of your site. If there is something you don't need your guests to know is that your server is down in any capacity whatsoever. To check your server status, this tool will prove to be useful. Simply embed your URL or connection and submit to get results in a flash. Best of all, it empowers you to check server status in mass.

How to use the server status checker?

Step 1: Click on the link:

Step 2: Enter upto 100 URL’s which you are requesting for the check. Each URL should be entered on a separate line.

Step 3: Click on the submit button.