Online Ping Website Tool

Search Engine Optimization

Online Ping Website Tool

Enter your blog url

Enter your blog name

Enter your blog updated url

Enter your blog RSS feed url


About Online Ping Website Tool

A website's success is mostly determined by its contents and ranking. There is another thing to keep in mind, it is pinging your website. Yes, pinging the website after each content update is required for a quality website. Pinging the website crawls the attention to the website. It optimizes the search engine to index the content of your website.

What is the ping test?

It is a program to determine whether the website is accessible or not. It boosts up crawling and indexing on your website. It will deliver the message to the search engine portals that the new content is added to the particular website. This ping test is used to market the website in the search results. It gives some sort of changes to the webpage which tends to be the noticeable one.

Purpose of ping:

The one who manages the website always looks forward to connecting the website with all search engines. This specialized tool optimizes the connectivity to the search engine. It ensures that your website is visible in all the major search engines. Also, you cannot manually ping each index of your website to make sure that it is visible in the search engine or not. For this purpose, this specialized tool from the helps you to ping the website with reliability and excellent functionality.

How to use an online ping website tool?

Step 1: Click on this link

Step 2: In the “Enter your blog URL”, give the blog URL of your website which you want to ping.

Step 3: in the “Enter your blog name”, the blog name which you have mentioned in the website should be entered.

Step 4: give the updated URL of your blog by mentioning it under “Enter your blog updated URL.”

Step 5: mention the blog RSS feed URL under “Enter your blog RSS feed URL” option.

Step 6: After giving these details, click on the submit option.

Now your ping is ready. You could notice the changes immediately. Your new content is now noticeable in the search engine results. You could use this too whenever you need to update your website.